Hello! I’m Sofie Kodner.
I’m a journalist. I make podcasts and documentaries.
I have experience in all aspects of reporting and production, from story development to sound design. I’ve worked with some of the biggest brands and publications in media.
You can reach me at sofiekodner@gmail.com.
Below, you’ll find
some of my recent projects.

The Journal, a co-production from Spotify and The Wall Street Journal, is a podcast about money, business and power.
Credit: Producer
Credit: Producer

Decoder Ring, from Slate Magazine, investigates the history and significance of a cultural mystery.
Credit: Producer
Credit: Producer

Not Built For This, from 99% Invisible, is a podcast about climate change and urban planning.
Credit: Producer
Credit: Producer

Beyond All Repair, from WBUR and ZSP Media, is a 10-part investigative series about an unsolved murder and a woman who wasn't believed.
Credit: Producer
Credit: Producer

Slate’s Slow Burn, named Podcast of the Year at The Ambies, explores Justice Clarence Thomas' surprising path from youthful radical to conservative icon.
Credit: Producer
Credit: Producer

Orange Alternative, about the importance of humor and art in protesting oppressive regimes. For 99% Invisible.
Credit: Reporter and Writer
Credit: Reporter and Writer

WBUR’s Circle Round adapts folktales from around the world into sound- and music-rich radio plays for kids.
Credit: Editor
Credit: Editor

Inc. Magazine’s Computer Freaks, the untold history of how the internet almost didn’t happen.
Credit: Associate Producer
Credit: Associate Producer

Broken Heart Park, about how eminent domain was used to enforce segregation in a suburb in St. Louis and beyond. For 99% Invisible.
Credit: Reporter and Writer
Credit: Reporter and Writer

Nostalgia Museum, a a short film on San Francisco's Musée Mécanique. For KQED.
Credit: Director, Writer, and Editor
Credit: Director, Writer, and Editor

How new monitoring systems keep a close watch on older people for The Washington Post.
Credit: Reporter and Writer
Credit: Reporter and Writer

'It makes a humongous difference': Lack of Wi-Fi in city SROs deepens residents' isolation for the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle.
Credit: Reporter and Writer
Credit: Reporter and Writer

Dancing away the loneliness: In the UK, social prescriptions help fight isolation during the pandemic for PRI The World.
Credit: Reporter, Producer, and Writer
Credit: Reporter, Producer, and Writer